Ukulele Chord Songbook Childrens Songs
This series features convenient 6 inch. x 9 inch. books with complete lyrics and chord symbols above the lyrics for dozens of great songs. Each song also includes chord grids at the top of every page and the first notes of the melody for easy reference. These books are perfect for peoplewho don't read music but want to strum chords and sing, and are equally ideal for more advanced, music-reading ukulele players who don't feel l ike wading through note-for-note notation. This compilation features 80 beloved tunes: Alphabet Song åá The Bare Necessities åá C Is for Cookie åá Do-Re-Mi åá Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping?) åá I'm Popeye the Sailor Manåá John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt åá Mickey Mouse March åá Oh! Susanna åá Polly Wolly Doodle åá Puff the Magic Dragon åá The Rainbow Connection åá Sing åá A Spoonful of Sugar åá Three Blind Mice åá Won't You Be My Neighbor? åá and scores more!